The Electronic Wireless Show podcast episode 123: the whales/Wales/wails special
Creatures of the deep
It's the new year! And, like everyone else, as the first weeks of January creak by, we turn our thoughts to Sir Anthony Hopkins, two versions of whom join us on this week's Electronic Wireless Show podcast. Pick your favourite Hopkins in the comments. The Anthonies' surprise appearance was precipitated by this week's theme, via listener Malcolm, who emailed in with the suggestion 'best whales'. Because we thought there might not be enough whales in games, we also added Wales (the country) and a special wails (the sound) Cavern Of Lies.
Tangents this week include, fairly obviously, whaling and what whales might taste like, what role Matthew would have in a whaling operation, and events we have attended where actors have been dressed as video game characters. Also: Matthew reaffirms he didn't eat any fruit as part of his main Christmas meal.
You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.
Music is by Jack de Quidt.
Music is by Jack de Quidt, who loves marine animals and close harmony singing.Sadly no Welsh or Whelsh merch in our merch store yet.
If you want to email in with suggestions for future themes, you can reach us at
Congratulations to Sir Anthony Hopkins for being bold and reaching 45 years of sobriety. I know he's an avid listener.
Nate mentions Nantucket, a terrifying Moby Dick whaling management game from 2018. Adam (RIP in peace) reviewed it and found it repetetive, but enjoyable. "It’s a fine place to spend time, even if a lot of that time is spent against the grindstone," he said, "and the more I play, the more there is to do and see."
We discuss the whale-oil based economy of Dishonored, an excellent series of games.
I bring up Maid Of Sker, a v. Welsh game courtesy of being developed and published by Wales Interactive, and inspired by a ghost story from a real house in Wales. I reviewed it and thought it were alright.
Matthew points out that Edward Kenway, protagonist of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, is well Welsh. Nate tries this with Gordon Freeman, but we are unconvinced.
Honourable mentions to the whales in Age Of Empires and the Wales in Ni No Kuni.
Recommendations this week: reading about the script changes on Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, from Matthew; reading about someone who hacked former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's personal details from a picture of boarding pass and then spent ages trying not to get arrested, from Alice; and the Nautilus Prime vape, from Nate.