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The Evil Within 2 now haunting a computer near yooOou


Today, Friday the 13th of October, is the second-spookiest day of the year and therefore a fine time to start a horrorshow. The Evil Within 2 [official site] launched over night, continuing the ch-ch-ch-chills from Tango Gameworks. We have a review burbling through our pipes at the moment, burping slime up the sink and making blood run down the walls of the RPS treehouse, but it's not ready quite yet. For now, here's word that the game is out and the launch trailer. And heck, you can still watch an hour of Alec playing from last month.

Watch on YouTube

Altogether ooky and no mistake!

When Alec played that preview hour, we was delighted to discover it seemed to be a big ol' grab bag flitting between different horrors:

"Then I stumbled off the beaten track, and found what could be, if handled with consistent verve, EW2's redemptive masterstroke. If I'm reading it right from that hour, it’s not one 12 hour b-movie, but rather a confetti-scattering of capsule b-movies, to be discovered and experienced in an order of your choosing. I.e. "Today I'm going to go over there into that part of town or that house or that sinister basement hatch and have a mini, semi-self-contained Resident Evily experience for 45 minutes." That I am absolutely down for."

Fingers crossed for good news when our review arrives.

The Evil Within 2 is out now on Steam for £39.99/€59.99/$59.99.

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