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The Signal From Tölva starts broadcasting April 10th

Now if we're talking body...

The Signal From Tove Lo [official site], the new open-world sci-fi FPS from Sir, You Are Being Hunted devs Big Robot (and therefore RPS co-founder Jimmy Ro-ro), now has a release date: April 10th. It'll blast us off to an alien planet where warring factions of robots go about their own lives and missions, which sounds promising for emergent antics. It's pretty stylish and all, as you can see in this here new trailer:

Watch on YouTube

Good landscapes, good zapgun noises, good spaceship, good tune.

Big Robot released a limited test version of Tove Lo's Signal earlier this month, letting 500 players buy in early to kick the tyres, adjust the seats, it and ask questions like "Is this supposed to happen?" when they wrench the wing mirror off. If you were one of those 500, what have you made of it? Our last time playing Signal was ooh ages ago.

Tove Lo will start beaming her signal to Windows, at least, on April 10th. Big Robot say that "OSX and Linux version release dates are TBD, pending head-scratchy tech tinkering."

[Disclosure: RPS co-founder Jim Rossignol also co-founded Big Robot. I must confess to feeling sympathy for him, as he did work with Kieron.]

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