New Total War: Attila Trailer Features Merciless Huns
Also horses
It's easy to be cynical about promotional material for games. Usually that cynicism is justifiable: marketing is what it is and we all know it. Still, my initial reaction to the narration in this Total War: Attila trailer 'The Black Horse' was a bit unfair. "To lead," it begins, "a man must understand that there are forces in this world that he cannot change."
"That's a bit pompous for a game," I thought. Then: "No. Wait. This is a game about one of history's more violent and terrible periods, replete with war and the disease and hunger and suffering that inevitably follows. That's the sort of thing that drives one toward philosophical statements."
I concluded that I can be a bit of a knob. Then I shut down my internal monologue and watched the rest of the trailer.
"There are some things which cannot be changed. I must see to the things that can."
Now there's a statement I can get behind.
The Attila engine's looking pretty slick, isn't it? It's a noticeable step forward from Rome II.
If you're hankering for meatier words than these concerning the next big Total War release, check out Adam's cautiously optimistic Hand's On from earlier this month.