Hello. You are listening to an automated recording from the Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oh You've Really Done It Now Emergency Broadcast System. By the time this signal is live, the world will surely have fallen under the thrall of ??? ????? ???? and life as we once knew it is over. It will be better now, now we're with ??? ????? ????. Everything, the little that remains, will just make sense. Things will feel right with ??? ????? ????. Imagine our so-called lives before ??? ????? ????! What would we have been doing without ??? ????? ????? As humanity's last broadcast, RPS declare our fleeting intentions for the weekend's video gaming.
What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on!
Alec has been fired.
Alice Bee
Somehow A Case of Distrust came out entirely without my notice, which is a shame. I am clearly a very bad detective. A Case of Distrust is a mystery set in 1920s San Francisco and you, private detective Phyllis Cadence Malone, are on said case. I'm down for anything that has even a passing resemblance to Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
Alice O
By the time this message is broadcast, I shall have ???? ??? ????? ???? ???? and ???? ??????? ??? ????? ????. And if that hasn't brought about the end of days, then I'm very sorry and will try harder next time.
In the unlikely event that I'm not sucked from the sea as ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ??? ?????, oh my god Yakuza 0. I'm so happy for this to finally come to PC so people will start sending me "Alice, how come you didn't post even once about Yakuza today?" e-mails like dozens of you do regarding Deadly Premonition every single day. I know, I'm sorry, I'll try to do better.
I'll probably be pootling around in Absolver, wearing my ostentatious gold mask and flowing yellow overcoat, judging all the unfashionable and ungood fighters who come through my forest. Get a new pair of shoes, troglodyte.
As Monster Hunter: World is coming to PC and I've always wanted in on that good monster hunting action, I figured now is as good a time as any to gear up, smack some dinosaur-like creatures in the face, and make lovely garments and weapons out of their pelts and bones. When you put it like that, it makes me sound like a savage...
I finished Yoku's Island Express! It happened, I did it. I had to look up a guide in the end, because it turns out I missed an NPC who opens a secret route towards one of the bosses. I'd been wandering the world trying to figure out a way to a quest marker on the map and the NPC wasn't marked on there. The game ended well, otherwise. Now what? Oh, yeah - writing the review.
I'm off to see family this weekend, so absolutely no games will be played at all. Apart from puzzles games on my phone, but I'm not sure those count.
Although my nephew has a PS4, so I might have to lock him in a cupboard or something and play something on that.
Matt has been fired.
No Man's Sky for me. I just discovered a planet where sweltering heat has killed off all life, natural resources are drying up and the economy is on the verge of ruin. Wait... my bad - that's just the front page of the Guardian.
Turns out that God of War is huge, like... Mount Rushmore and Fuji combined, huge. So I'm fairly sure I'll be playing that every weekend until I am old and grey. If I get bored of that (which won't happen but let's pretend for a moment) I will likely dip into survival horror game DreadOut.
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?