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Hitman Episode 3 Visiting Marrakesh Next Week

Two big new murders

The third episode of the new Hitman [official site] will launch next Tuesday, May 31st, Square Enix have announced. Ian Hitman's next assignment will take him to the city of Marrakesh in Morocco, where someone wants a banker and a general dead. Given how much of an improvement the second episode was over the first, this is jolly exciting.

'A Gilded Cage' will see Ian in Marrakesh as riots simmer and a coup threatens to bubble over. He's there to murder a banker holed up in the Swedish Consulate and an army general in his headquarters. As for what the city's like, the official word is:

"Following up on the big fashion show event in Paris and the expansive nature of Sapienza, we knew that Marrakesh had to be something extraordinary. So the team set out to build a location that was both teeming with life and things to do. Marrakesh has been built with a maze of alleys, a range of souls that line the medina walls and a fully-fledged shisha café. Moving upwards, players can enjoy the shade on the rooftop terraces of Marrakesh.

"Just beyond the busy marketplace, you'll find an architectural marvel in the shape of the Swedish Consulate building. The very embodiment of minimalistic Scandinavian design;, a mix of glass, concrete and wood offering a powerful contrast to the blazing heat just outside its walls."

Before Marrakesh, mind, the second Elusive Target is coming on Friday. These one-off assassinations only appear for a brief period of time before vanishing from the game forever. They're really quite exciting.

After Marrakesh, Hitman's later episodes will visit Thailand, the United States, then finally Japan. These three are all due this year. Episodes are included with the £40 'Full Experience' season pass, cost £7 as add-ons to the £11 'Intro Pack', or folks with the Intro Pack can get all the other episodes together in a £33 upgrade. Yes, I know it's a mess.

Can IO Interactive top Sapienza? Not... not like in the murder sense. Make an even better level, I mean. It's difficult, hanging around contract killers - they take almost everything as a sign that you want someone erased, retired, blown away... games journos get in a lot of trouble with that last one.

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