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Wild Aggro Druid deck list and guide

Our guide to getting better with the best Wild Aggro Druid deck in Season 28.

Wild Aggro Druid is a deck that plays out an awful lot like its counterpart in Hearthstone's default competitive mode, but it benefits of course from some of the older cards from the game's collection. The name of the game is exactly the same, however: get on the board early, curve out with fresh minions constantly, and focus all of your firepower on wearing down the opponent's health pool nice and quickly.

To help you out with this objective you can draw on some of the most powerful cards in Hearthstone's history, now "banned" in ChargeStandard mode. Shade of Naxxramas, Piloted Shredder, Fel Reaver and Dr. Boom all represent astonishingly powerful plays that will quickly help you obliterate your opponent. It takes a little bit of nerve to stay the course, sacrifice cards and ignore the opponent's own board progress, but focus on the enemy directly and you can win a lot of games extremely quickly with this deck.

In our Wild Aggro Druid deck guide, we've got an outline of a really powerful deck list you can take to the ladder, along with a quick introductory guide to the strategy behind playing it. After that we've got a few simple Mulligan tips to get you off to a good start, followed by a collection of all the most important card combos you can play with.

Got any questions? Let us know in the comments section and we'll do our best to help.

(For the Standard version of this deck, make sure you take a look at our Aggro Druid (Standard) deck list and guide)

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Wild Aggro Druid deck list and strategy

Here's the best deck list we've found for Aggro Druid in the current Wild metagame. If you've found a better version, let us know in the comments so we can check it out!

2 x Innervate2 x Worgen Infiltrator
2 x Living Roots2 x Flame Juggler
2 x Darnassus Aspirant2 x Shade of Naxxramas
2 x Druid of the Saber2 x Piloted Shredder
2 x Mounted Raptor2 x Fel Reaver
2 x Savage Roar1 x Leeroy Jenkins
2 x Keeper of the Grove1 Dr. Boom
2 x Swipe
2 x Druid of the Claw

The key to winning with Wild Aggro Druid is to get out on the board quickly and waste no time in delivering damage to your opponent's health pool. Cards like Living Roots, Darnassus Aspirant, Worgen Infiltrator and Flame Juggler all help you make your presence known very early on. Druid of the Saber is another important early-game cards - choose Stealth every time for the extra long-term Attack power though.

If you have a strong curve of minions, you should ignore the opponent's minions and focus all of your firepower on finishing the game quickly. The only time you might consider trading is if you can sacrifice one weak or damaged minion in order to protect a more powerful partner - otherwise let your opponent worry about clearing down the board.

Towards the mid-game you have some extraordinary power in the form of Fel Reaver, and it's rarely a bad idea to drop this monster onto the board as soon as you can. Ignore the card loss penalty and just keep slamming those eight points of damage home for as long as you can. Piloted Shredder is another super-sticky mid-game minion that can either add some welcome damage, or deal with a problematic enemy minion so that your smaller creatures can keep doing their thing.

Assuming you haven't obliterated your opponent with Fel Reaver, it's time to think about your alternative late-game win conditions. Dr. Boom can be a vexatious threat to deal with all by himself, but you're really looking for a big push over the finishing line using Savage Roar to boost your active minions.

On that note, keep in mind that you can play Leeroy Jenkins and Savage Roar together from turn eight to deliver a whopping ten points of damage when you include your own Hero's attacking bonus as well. This move alone can often be enough to win you the match.

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Wild Aggro Druid Mulligan guide

You've probably already guessed that Innervate is a prime keep in this deck as it gives you an extra shot of Mana that's always going to be useful. Other great cards include Darnassus Aspirant, Living Roots and Worgen Infiltrator. If you're sure you're up against an aggressive opponent, it's not a bad idea to hold onto Swipe either.

Wild Aggro Druid tips, combos and synergies

There are a handful of crucial card interactions that you need to know about if you're going to win consistently with this Wild version of Aggro Druid. Try to keep the following in mind as you play out every match.

- Innervate provides you with two extra points of Mana on the turn it's played and costs zero Mana to cast. This allows you to reach into a much weightier minion or spell earlier on in the match than you'd otherwise be able to.

- More often than not you simply want to ignore the card-loss effect and keep slamming home the damage of Fel Reaver. Having said that, if things are looking perilous you can actually silence the effect of this mighty monster using Keeper of the Grove.

- You can also eliminate the negative Deathrattle effect of Darnassus Aspirant using Keeper of the Grove. This is a bit of a risky play, however, and you'll almost always want to hold onto your Keeper for a more meaningful play against an enemy minion - taunted creatures in particular represent a real headache for aggro decks.

- When applied, Savage Roar will temporarily increase the Attack power of every active minion on your side of the board by two points. Note that your Druid Hero also gains this bonus attack power for the turn in question. Throw Leeroy Jenkins into the mix and you've got some serious damage on hand.

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