I don't have the answer to my capslock question, I'm afraid. Telltale can't quite be accused of being late with episode 2 of their rather good Fables adaptation Wolf Among Us as I don't believe they ever gave a concrete release date. But they are late, let's be honest. The first episode was four months ago. During that time, my baby has learned to a) sit b) crawl c) eat solids d) perform a frightening, wobbly standing up while feverishly gripping the edge of a table e) enthusiastically rip an entire newspaper to shreds in under two minutes, plus innumerable new ways to make my life both heaven and hell. SO I WOULD THINK IT SHOULD BE POSSIBLE TO CREATE A SUB-TWO HOUR ADVENTURE GAME USING EXISTING TECH AND MANY ASSETS DURING THAT TIME.
But who knows what really went on; perhaps it's something to do with how many big licensed properties Telltale have been taking on lately? Speculation! In any case, I suppose I'd rather they have the time to get it right, and ensure it's the equal (or better) than its sterling first episode than end up in the situation they did with those oft-wretched Sam & Max games, churned out with so much recycling and repetition and lousy recurrent supporting cast.
Anyway, Telltale claim that "We're super close to the episode's release now, and will announce dates as soon as we have them confirmed", and have also offered up a new 'red band' trailer to prove that Bigby's second coming looms. 'Red band' is going to be the new 'beta', isn't it?
Looks as though we're going a little darker, and also as though Bluebeard will enter stage right at last. Much as I liked Ep 1, as a non-Fables reader (at that time) I found it deeply peculiar that I kept being given the option to accuse someone I'd never so much as seen of these awful crimes. Now I can accuse him of all kinds of shit based on whether I actually hate or not! Hooray!
Sneaky, saucy Bluebeard will be performed by Dave Fennoy, aka Lee Everett in The Walking Dead. How odd that he'd be in need of an extra voiceacting gig.
Previous suggestions are that this will hit the first week of February. So, next week, more than likely.