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Working Rage ATI Fix Now Out

Why, that's the most boring headline I've ever written here. Still, it's late, I'm tired, I've spent half the day unsuccessfully trying to track down an NVIDIA card so I can play Rage without feeling nauseous, but now I don't have to because ATI have put out a fix for the unhappy state of the game on Radeons. Unlike the first supposed fix, this makes things better rather than worse.

Knee-jerk thoughts from trying it out for half an hour: the visual glitching that previously was so bad that I needed to go have a nice lie down has gone entirely. In other words, I can now play the game, for which I am glad and grateful. It looks Quite Nice and the shootability is Fine.

Unfortunately, the frame rate still seems a bit spotty on my Radeon 5850, unless I overclock it. I'd like to just fiddle with the game's graphics settings instead, but no, for some reason id thought we wouldn't want to do that. Oh well, between the driver update and the overclock, it's running just fine, even if I've currently no idea whether it's running at low, medium, high or GOOD CRIKEY settings - plus my PC is now pumping out enough heat to boil away a small lake. PC gaming!

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