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World Of Goo: The Hat

Indie games and hats: two things which are very much RPS' bread and butter, yet never the twain shall meet, which seems an oversight. David Lien wants to change all that. He plans to create an indie merchandising business, and as such has already snagged the blessings of the goodly gentlemen of 2D Boy to make these semi-official World of Goo hats. Hats!

But what else from indieland could and should be merchandised? A full, quivering tentacle suit for Octodad (to of course be worn beneath your own tuxedo)? A selection of cutlery shaped like Minecraft tools? Rock of Ages bowling balls?

The hats are preorderifiying here, by the way - $15 to $20 with free postage, and you can optionally lob on $5 more to get World of Goo itself.

Man, World of Goo seems a long time ago. Please hurry up and release a new game, 2D Boy.

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