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Wowzers: Torchlight II Sells A Bazillionty Units

Holy cow, everyone. People bought a videogame! Look at all these HOT NUMBERS, sensitive bits conjuring curiosity from behind the slimmest of dollar signs. Yes, I know this sort of news isn't typically very exciting, but I think Torchlight II warrants an exception to that oh-so-sacred of RPS rules. Runic's finished taking count on the fingers and toes of all its employees and their many pet millipedes, and the total tally's come out to two million. In ten months. That's pretty huge for a PC-only ARPG from a developer not named Blizzard. But then, Torchlight II did a rather incredible number of things right.

Unsurprisingly, Runic president Travis Baldree is taking the news pretty well:

"I'd just like to say a big thank you to all the players who offered their suggestions on what we could improve, and who stuck with us and supported us during development. It wouldn't have been possible without you, and we're humbled and grateful at your response."

I believe it, too. Torchlight II stands out as a game that's exceedingly fan friendly, and it's been rewarded for it. Meanwhile, it's continued to in turn reward fans with things like mod/Steam Workshop support and - well, let's face it - a total lack of Diablo-III-esque server and economy troubles.

Basically, Runic's success sets a good example for other PC developers to follow, and it should be applauded. No, Torchlight II isn't the most innovative game (and it still has some unresolved network hiccups; get on that, Runic!), but I'm happy to see a developer keep its soul and its bank account. Bravo.

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