A Game And A Chat Thief Extravaganza, Take Two
Stealing Is Caring
We tried to play Thief: The Dark Project and chat about it. Honest! But Twitch, the purple scab of a service, wouldn't cooperate with one of the most storied series starters in gaming history. It's almost like I shouldn't have expected a 15-year-old game to be compatible with a crazy space-age cyberfuture streaming platform, but no, that's just ridiculous. At any rate, today - for real this time - I will be joined by former Thief: The Dark Project director Greg LoPiccolo and longtime Thief series designer/Thief: Deadly Shadows director Randy Smith. Expect stories from the dank depths of the first three Thieves’ development chambers, inside info on what could’ve been, and opinions from series vets on Eidos Montreal’s reinvention of their storied stealther.
This will be a pretty special episode, so make sure to tune in. We're kicking off at 2 PM PT/10 PM GMT. A little late, I know, but come on: only amateur thieves skulk around during the (UK) day.
Update: We're done! It went quite well, all things considered. Watch the full thing below.
Watch live video from NathanGrayson on TwitchTV
Randy stuck around to chat a little bit more afterward, so here is that as well. I imagine a game-free interview-focused segment will become a regular thing on AGAAC, so expect more things like this in the future.
Watch live video from NathanGrayson on TwitchTV
And here are YouTube versions of each: