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A Macho Made In Heaven

While Kieron has been making space-adventurers wear hot pink and disco-dance in Tabula Rasa, I've been feeling the effects of a swollen Y chromosome playing some Gears Of War on PC. Big, big men, see how they kill. I'm not sure what it is about Epic's current design ethos, but I just can't get over the hyper-solidity of these soldiers and their kill-to-be-caring attitudinizing. Marcus and Dom. It's like each knows what the other one is thinking...

Anyway, the RPS verdict on Gears' transition to PC is a good one. It looks incredible (if very gloomy) on my weaker-than-thou PC, and my reviewing comrades (much farther ahead than I in the world of 'War) attest that the new levels fix a great big plot-hole and make the game a more satisfying length (and girth, presumably - InnuendoBot). It's a fun time and so hyperbolically violent that you can't help Ooohing and Aaaahing like the blood were a fireworks display.

All of which unsavoury suggestion leads me to this video, which is a kind of trailer for the Unreal 3.0 Editor and scripting toolkit, which arrives free with Gears. The question is: will anyone make a decent Gears Of War mod? When I met Cliffy B earlier this year he predicted "the entire game reskinned as World War II" within moments, but could we get something more interesting? The entire game reskinned in pink and yellow? Let's have Gears Of War modified for corduroy and cashmere.

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Thanks, Game Trailers! You big hot hunk 'o' video archiving.

More on Gears Of War in a week or two, when Kieron and I get around to "playing" at being "Marcus and Dom". In a co-op gaming sense, of course.

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