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A Spot Of Guardening: GW2's Guardian

Arenanet has posted another of its Guild Wars 2 profession spotlights! We had the Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior and Elementalist, and now we have the ever-so-fancy Guardian, who looks kind of like a Paladin without all of that religious dross attached. He's got the same tank / support / damage thing going on, plus he's very blue and white in his ethereal skill visuals, so yeah. Paladin. Thanks to RPS reader Mashakosha for the tip. Your kisses are in the mail.

Now, you could go through to Arenanet's site for all the Guardian info, or you could just hang here with me and watch all the videos. Look, I've got some coffee perking. Make yourself at home.

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How about that! Those centaurs didn't stand a chance. Ah, the coffee's ready. You want some?

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What do you mean you take milk and sugar. I... I don't think we have any of that. No, wait. Maybe we have some corn syrup. Let me check.

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Aha! Yeah, found the corn syrup. I guess it's a little old. Hang on, I'm sure if I find the good knife I'll be able to cut a bit of it into your coffee. Wait here.

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There we go. Just ignore the smell. It'll dissolve in time, I reckon.

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Wait, where are you going? You haven't even touched your coffee. What do you mean you have somewhere to be? You have to be here. With me. No! Come back! We could have been BEAUTIFUL.

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