Arma 3's Helicopters Can Actually Land And Stuff
It's story time again with community Arma tsar Andrew "Dslyecxi" Gluck, who has been explaining all about how to play Arma 3, via a series of videos. His latest tackles an aspect of the previous games that always gave me - and I am sure a few others like me - the willies: helicopters. Sure, it's often possible to take off with a helicopter in these games, but parking them in a tree just seems impossible. Fortunately Dslyecxi explains that I've been doing it wrong all this time, as you'll see below.
Whenever military types talk about helicopters it reminds me of the character Karl Agathon in Battlestar Galactica, because his callsign was Helo. Did that mean is full callsign was Helicopter? Oh, that would have made for a funnier space opera.
You can buy and play Arma 3 now, but it's not finished yet.