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As With All Games, Company Of Heroes 2 Has An E3 Trailer

In open beta AS WE SPEAK, Company Of Heroes 2 doesn't miss out on the Having A New Trailer That Doesn't Show Much That's New E3 Party. Even though it comes out in only 13 days.

The open beta does in fact require that you pre-order the game, and at a whopping £40 to buy it before it's finished, that doesn't seem quite so welcoming. Whoops - I am wrong and stupid - entirely misunderstood how that one works. Hooray, it's free for another six days! Still, £40 to pre-order remains one heck of a hefty fee. However, if the video below means you cannot help yourself, it's there for you.

Watch on YouTube

You can find out more about the game from Alec's hands on a few months back. It's out on the 25th, after what seems an enormously long development period, and indeed a change of publisher from THQ to Sega.

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