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Assassin's Creed: Mirage's PC specs are here, and I think my ancient laptop can run it

Seeing things

An image of Assassin's Creed: Mirage showing Basim, the title character leaping onto a guard.
Image credit: Ubisoft

Prior to joining RPS and coming into a possession of an Actual Contemporary Gaming PC, I did all my gaming on a plucky Erazer laptop from circa 2014. The old warhorse has certainly had some adventures, to the point that it isn't really a laptop anymore but a hovering debris cloud of plastic and metal, constellated by strips of sellotape, from which a moving picture may be hesitantly conjured by means of screamed insults and the careful deployment of desk fans.

Among the sicker jokes I've played on various editors as a freelancer is to review triple-A games on this sorrowing technological Igor, which - I swear to you - physically flinches and begins to whimper frantically when presented with any game more demanding than Far Cry 2. Thing is, I'm pretty sure I can run Ubisoft's forthcoming Assassin's Creed: Mirage on this hapless relic. The publisher have released minimum and recommended system specs for their latest historical throat-slitter, and they're pretty dang reasonable.

Mirage fills up 40GB of hard drive space, which is around a third of Starfield's immensity, and you can supposedly run it at 1080p/30 FPS on an Nvidia GeForce 1060 with 8GB RAM. Here's an image breaking down the specs from Ubisoft. OK, so you probably won't be playing Mirage on a fridge anytime soon, but these are modest requirements by blockbuster game standards.

An image from Ubisoft detailing the minimum and maximum system specs for Assassin's Creed Mirage
Image credit: Ubisoft

Mirage is one of the leaner, throwback Assassin's Creeds. It's set in Baghdad during the year 861, and is a crisp 20-30 hour slice of urban parkour with a greater emphasis on stealth and a smaller emphasis on RPG-style progression systems than the previous Valhalla and Odyssey. Katharine was quite enthused about her Assassin's Creed: Mirage hands-on time earlier this summer, commenting that "I'm well up for an AC game that reins its open world in a bit and goes back to the sort-of single city stab-athon the series used to be". She was decidedly whelmed by Mirage's combat, however, worrying that "that the lack of options available to you when you are inevitably drawn into a fight will be keenly felt by newer Creed players."

Personally, I'd love to play more games set in Baghdad, like Babylonian Twins, a historical platformer originally developed for the Commodore Amiga by two Iraqi developers during the aftermath of the first Gulf War.

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