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BJ Blazkowhaaat? - Wolfenstein Won't Have Multiplayer

I may sound somewhat incredulous in the headline, but in the 0.2 seconds it took me to hop down here, I had quite a change of heart. Sure, Wolfenstein's had multiplayer since Return To Castle Wolfenstein in 2001, but only in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory did it ever really shine. 2009's Wolfenstein, meanwhile, didn't do anything particularly well - multiplayer included. So maybe it's best left on the cutting room floor in favor of single-player's, er, Xbox red ring robots, I guess? The recent trailer did a spectacularly bad job of telling us what it's actually about, so that's all I've got. But yes, multiplayer's officially out of Wolfenstein: The New Order.

MachineGames confirmed any and all sorts of deathmatch's absence to GameSpot. It makes sense, too, given that the developer's made up of ex-Starbreeze folks. They've proven time and time again that they know their way around yarns and characters and Vin Diesel's magic lightbulb eyes, but splattering brains in a friendly, sportsmanlike fashion? Not so much.

Frankly, I can't complain. If I started playing playing every already released shooters' multiplayer right now and didn't stop until I'd unlocked everything in all of them, I'd get bored really fast and go do something else. Which is to say: there's already plenty of options, and most of them are pretty much interchangeable. So bravo to Machine for foregoing a tacked-on swing at a ball that got knocked out of the park and into space years ago.

Wolfenstein: The New Order will be out at the end of this year.

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