Ms. Bombastic: 3D Realms' Bombshell Released
Not proper 3D Realms, mind
After we turned out the RPS treehouse's lights on Friday, locked the doors, and ran down to the pub giggling, an explosion blew out the windows. We looked up, our upper lips coated in the foamy moustache of Real Ale, then shrugged. "It'll wait until Monday" we agreed. And so it has. Rootin', tootin', rude 'tude-totin', twin-stick shootin' Bombshell [official site], the game which supposedly grew from the litigation-smashed Duke Nukem Mass Destruction, is out and yeah, it sounds a bit bum.
Bombshell's a twin-stick shooter RPG starring Shelly 'Bombshell' Harrison. That's where the name comes from. The folks at cheery RPS fanzine PC Gamer say it's rubbish and Steam's player reviews are not wholly enthusiastic.
Bombshell's the first new 3D Realms game since... Bombshell developers Interceptor Entertainment bought and relaunched the failed company. They're big 3DR fans, see. Interceptor formed for an (unfinished) fan remake of Duke Nukem 3D, then remade Rise of the Triad. Hey, if your dad's pal has worn the same Iron Maiden Killer World Tour t-shirt since 1981, Interceptor can pretend that the '90s never ended.
Right now Bombshell is £26.99 on Steam and £27.09 on GOG (but, in the UK, giving £5.40 back as store credit). If you have bought it and are having problems, these tips might help. And here's the launch trailer: