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Dungeons Of Hinterberg's latest trailer shows off Alpine mountains, glaciers and, yes, a swamp (poison not yet confirmed)

We also see more of its après-slay Persona-style socalising

The red-haired heroine of Dungeons Of Hinterberg meditates by the shore of a very green swamp
Image credit: Curve Games

Austrian developers Microbird released a new trailer for their upcoming Alpine dungeon-crawler Dungeons Of Hinterberg over the weekend, giving us a closer look at some of the eponymous dungeon environments we'll be biffing monsters in come its release later this summer. In addition to the previously revealed mountainsides and glacial snow peaks, it looks like Hinterberg will have a big green swamp to travel to as well. Question is: will it be a poison FromSoft variety of swamp? Or something more innocuous? Hard to tell with that searingly green water on display, but one thing is certain: with Shadow Of The Erdtree and its confirmed poison swamp launching on June 21st, this summer won't be short on big bog energy.

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Given Dungeons Of Hinterberg's altogether sunnier disposition, I'm hopeful that the flourescent green lakes of the brilliantly named Brunnelsumpf on show in the trailer are merely evidence of a healthy algae population rather than anything more sinister. Surely, purple would be a more appropriate hue for a poisonous landscape when the rest of this Alpine world is so gosh-darn colourful. And besides, the trailer shows heroine Luisa paddling around on a little boat to get between different islands. The tourist board would have to be very irresponsible to let dungeon seekers sail around on poison water, no doubt about it.

Poisonous or not, Brunnelsumpf certainly looks very picturesque with its stone ruins, wooden jetties and striking lighthouses. The latter look as though they'll play an important role in the swamp's puzzle-solving, too, as the trailer shows a brief glimpse of a light beam pointing to a nearby rocky outcrop. It's giving me very good Talos Principle 2 flashbacks - just with more monster slaying between the light beam fiddling.

In fairness, the autumnal forests of Hinterwald and the snowy peaks of Kolmstein also look like they'll have their fair share of secrets to uncover between whacking monsters with your big sword - and I'm particularly looking forward to surfing around on Kolmstein's big icy skateboard rails. There's still one more overworld we don't know about yet, according to Microbird. The game will have four distinct biomes, and several dungeons within each of them to go and plunder.

This trailer doesn't go into too much more detail about the Persona-style socialising you'll be doing at the end of each day, but that's probably because they dedicated a whole other deep-dive to it back in October.

The more I see of Dungeons Of Hinterberg, the more promising it looks. Here's hoping we get a more narrowed down Steam release in the coming months.

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