Loudspeaker: Dying Light's Bozak Horde Out May 26th
Beat Bozak's challenges for a magic bow
The first DLC expansion for Dying Light [official site] has now been announced, detailed and dated. It's called The Bozak Horde and, judging from the teaser trailer below it has a touch of Saw about it, as you’re challenged to complete some sicko’s elaborate game to stay alive. We’re going layers deep into gameception with this one. Succeed and you’ll win a super-stealthy composite bow with magic lightning and explosive arrows.
Set in a new location at the heart of Sector 0, you’ll finally get to see where the zombie outbreak started. Progressing through the challenges will bring you closer to the mysterious Bozak who’s been plastering posters all over Old Town and learn more about him.
You’ll want to gather your friends before venturing forth, as The Bozak Horde was specifically built with co-op in mind. Developer Techland is making it as clear as possible that a full, experienced team will not have an easy go of it. Which is great if you felt that the Dying Light campaign lacked a bit of bite.
The Bozak Horde will be available on May 26th and cost £6.99 ($9.99/€9.99 if you’re one of those). If you’re a season pass holder, you can grab it for 'free', since you’ve paid already.