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else Heart.Break() Hacking Into September

Oh, memories!

else Heart.Break() [official site] reminds me a lot of the PlayStation 2 era, and not just because it, you know, looks like a PS2 game. Combining infiltration and hacking with open-world social RPG stuff is the kind of curious idea I'd associate with those strange and experimental days - or at least my golden memory of The Old Days. These memories probably have little relation to reality, but I remember the PS2 having lots of strange games doing strange things that I wish had come to PC but never did, so I only peered at them from afar and probably got a far rosier picture of them. Anyway!

That won't be a problem with else Heart.Break(), as it is coming to PC - on September 24th, creator Erik Svedäng has now announced.

As you'll see in this gameplay trailer, else Heart.Break() is a game about hacking into machines and rewriting their code as you please, whether that's opening doors, changing what machines make, or simply rewriting the welcome messages on company computers:

Watch on YouTube

It's also a game where you're new to a strange city, wandering around, getting to know the city and its people, and hanging out in cafes:

Watch on YouTube

I'm still not entirely sure what it is, but what I've seen is fascinating and I am quite keen to start poking at it.

else Heart.Break() will be on Windows, Mac, and Linux, sold through Steam and the Humble Store. Here's a new 'release' trailer:

Watch on YouTube

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