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Flann O'Brien's War: Heroes & Generals

Heroes & Generals is looking more and more like a game I'd like to play, mostly because it looks like fun but also to form a better understanding of how its campaign will work, overlaid on FPS battles as it is. The game is from Reto-Moto, the new home of the creators of Hitman, and its persistent world offers players a chance to cooperate and approach missions however they see fit. I expect there will be a lot of shooting, some stealth, the odd explosion and some vehicular tomfoolery. What I didn't expect is that the tomfoolery would incorporate bicycles. There is plenty of information in the four developer diaries below but it's the bicycles in the fourth that I recommend you pay particular attention to.

All footage is from the current alpha, so nothing here is final.

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It does not need to be said that I will be forming a bicycle squadron as soon as the game is available. We will approach silently from the flanks, dismount in the midst of our enemies and set about them with a piston pump to the chin.

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