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For Honor released, but where's the love?

This isn't the Love Day I love

Wow! Talk about shameless cash-ins! Today is Love Day, the most heartfelt of our treasured corporate holidays, but how are Ubisoft choosing to celebrate this? By releasing For Honor [official site], a game whose ONLY connection to Love Day is that it lets you stab people in their love organs (the heart and the bits)! Wow! If that's love, please leave me off your Love Day card list! Love Day is a time for Valentines, Yann Ubisoft, not Vikings! The only samurai action you should see is harikissi. And the only 'knight' should be a long night of passionate handholding. I guess all Ubisoft love is money! Shameless!

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So Vikings and Knights and Samurai are trapped in eternal war because reasons, see, a bit like a tedious moralising episode of Star Trek but without the peaceful resolution based on mutual respect and understanding. Instead, they stab each other forever, and we get to play as them!

It does have a singleplayer campaign but the focus is multiplayer. Alec quite liked the multiplayer alpha and, after the recent betas, at least two people I know are ditching Love Day to play For Honor. Wow! Thanks Ubisoft! NOT!

Ubisoft have announced plans for a year of post-launch content updates for multiplayer, adding new maps, character classes, modes, weapons, and so on. Like Rainbow Six Siege, everything will be available free but folks who don't buy the season pass will need to unlock new characters with the virtuacash earned by playing.

For Honor is £39.99/59,99€/$59.99 on Steam and from Ubisoft.

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