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Fortnite adds balloons, might be about to send off Kevin

Elevated gameplay

No party is complete without balloons. Fortnite Battle Royale becomes more like a ten-year-old's birthday do with every update - only with more machine guns. And helium balloons with enough lift to send you, a friend and your shopping trolley skywards.

Those balloons landed (floated?) with today's update, but the Fortnite freight train of news doesn't stop there. Epic Games have lined up another in-game event for Sunday, where we may finally see the demise of Kevin the cube. Or something.

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I still love how Fortnite shows off its new stuff in playful 30 second chunks. They're hardly representative of an actual match, but they capture so much of its spirit.

Anyway, here's the low-down on our new inflatable friends. They're of epic rarity, come in packs of 20, and you need to be holding 6 of them before you can take to the skies. They'll pop if you float at the maximum height for too long, or if someone puts a bullet through them. Obviously.

More specifics can be found in the patch notes, as well as some balance changes. The guided missile launcher, semi-auto sniper rifle and dual pistols have been axed, and explosive damage has been juiced up a bit.

The patch notes also mention that the glider re-deploy system is here to stay, which is good news for aspiring aeronauts.

Right, back to Kevin nonsense. This tweet from Epic Games doesn't explicitly mention the giant cube that's been romping around the map doing supernatural graffiti, but whatever goes down at 6pm UK time on Sunday is bound to involve him in some way.

I'm glad this cube saga didn't conclude with the Halloween event, when glowing purple zombies invaded the map. Glowing purple zombies are sort of fun, but Fortnite can do better and it knows it.

The last live event saw a rocket launch create a crack in the fabric of reality, so expect something similarly dramatic.

Still trying to get to grips with Fortnite? Check out our Fortnite guide hub for more tips and tricks for the game. You can also find the latest challenges in our Fortnite week 6 challenges guide.

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