Glimpse At Arma 3's Campaign In This Gallery
Shooting gallery.
Arma 3 arrived with a weather system, a day-and-night cycle, an island so beautiful that it makes me want to go on holiday, quad-copters, bunnies, and a fully-integrated mission distribution system. But it was still missing a proper single-player mode, which I am keen on playing. The official campaign from Bohemia will come in three parts as DLC, and the first part of that will be released on Oct 31st. How do I know? They told me. They also sent me some lovely screenshots of it, and I've dropped them in below.
The first part is called Survive, and will put you in the itchy military underwear of a regular infantryman, Ben Kerry. He's part of a withdrawing NATO peacekeeping force staged in Altis, and as the troops withdraw an opposing faction is filling its place. I can see no particular problem with that scenario, but I always see the best in people. You're looking lovely, btw.
This content will also bring more toys for the community to build with, as Arma 3 lead and friend of RPS Jay Crowe states: "It's not just about our own story, but another opportunity to provide yet more building blocks for the platform - new weapons, animations, 3D objects, scripted modules - each designed to grant content creators even greater freedom to create and share their own content. Looking forward to the forthcoming episodes, we’ll continue to expand Arma 3’s sandbox with additions such as new vehicles.”
Jets? Please say there will be jets.