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Making Torchlight II's Levels And Stuff

Torchlight II is due in July. That's only ten minutes from now! Quickly, we must read as much as we can about the creation of its randomized worlds! Oh God, if only there was something to hand... but maybe there is, because Runic have published this piece on the creation of Torchlight II's world, and this Q&A on level design. It contains gems such as this: "We do have random events! A few examples of these are, maybe you run into a injured person on the road with a broken down wagon that asks you to do something for him/her in the immediate area. Or you could be out exploring and find a campfire with bandits that have tied up hostages that you can rescue for a reward. We are still working on these, and coming up with new ideas to keep them exciting for players." Cor!

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