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My LiveJournal turned 18 this week, and man alive, baby Katharine had some terrible video game opinions

The worst thing is, the recent Monkey Island backlash proves that video game discourse is still stuck in the mid 00s as well

Earlier this week, I had a real blast from the past moment. Apparently, my ancient LiveJournal turned 18 on Tuesday, a thing I haven't posted in or given a single thought to for at least ten years. Naturally, curiosity got the better of me, so I dipped my toe back in to see what teenage Katharine had been blogging about in the mid to late 00s. Aside from all my custom images having been eaten, probably with the closure of whatever photo upload service I used back in the day, everything else was pretty much in tact.

But man alive. Those OPINIONS. Just terrible. Bad, awful, narrow-minded. In some ways it's quite funny looking back at how angry I was about Nintendo putting trains in a Zelda game, for example (joke's on me, Spirit Tracks would go on to become one of my fav Zelda games of all time), but in many ways I'm just quite glad I've (hopefully) moved on as a person, if only because recent weeks have reminded me there are still plenty of people out there like late 00s Katharine who are in all likelihood the same age I am now. Yes, I'm talking about the backlash to Return Of Monkey Island.

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