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New Tekken 8 trailer brings the family drama and a new roster

No release date, though

Bandai Namco revealed a new trailer for Tekken 8 at this year's The Game Awards and wow did they bring the drama for this one. Not only did we see a montage of increasingly gritty brawls, but also some new info about the fighters we'll be seeing in this, octequel(?). Cast your eyes over the trailer below.

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There's a lot going on so let's break it down. First off, the trailer revealed more confirmed fighters that we can expect to see in the roster, which now consists of Kazuya, Jin, Paul, King, Law, Lars, Jack-8, and Jun Kazama.

I'm not up-to-date with Tekken's story, such that it is, but Bandai Namco sums it up nicely, explaining that Tekken 8 "picks up after the gruesome battle that ended in Heihachi Mishima’s defeat, focusing on a new rivalry, pitting father against son as Jin Kazama stands in defiance against Kazuya Mishima’s quest for world dominance." But of course. In any case, it certainly sounds (and looks) dramatic.

No release date, or even release year has been announced for Tekken 8 yet, but it'll be out on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series consoles when it does.

For more of the latest news and trailers, check out our Game Awards 2022 hub. We also live-blogged the show as it happened right here.

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