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Overwatch doctor Mercy goes pink for charity


The makers of hero shooter Overwatch have released a pink skin for health-giving hero Mercy, with all money going to breast cancer charity, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. As costumes go, it’s as pink as pink gets, even bringing the colour to her wings. The pink ribbon, a symbol of the BCRF, is also emblazoned on her robes. There’s more charity goings-on, as Blizzard explain below. But it’s the healer herself who’s front and centre. She feel, she heal, but most importantly, she donate to this appeal.

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You can buy the skin in-game (a big pop-up will appear when you log in) or through the official website until May 21. It's £12.99/$14.99 and all the money is going to the BCRF (with a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000, says Blizz). There’s also pink Mercy t-shirts on sale, as well as sprays and profile icons, which are rewarded to anyone who can watch hours and hours of Twitch streams (or just leave them running on a muted laptop somewhere). Anyway, we’ll find out how much money has been raised at the end of the campaign.

“Breast cancer is the most common cancer that affects women worldwide,” said Jeff Kaplan in an accompanying developer update. “Many of us on the Overwatch team have friends and family that have been personally affected by this devastating disease.”

“The BCRF is the world’s leading private funder of breast cancer research, and we’re really hoping to make a difference.”

If you want to donate to this cause but don’t give a tupenny goose about Overwatch or the colour pink, you can still do that here.

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