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Planet Zoo has great poop physics, runaway animals, and loads of other good animal action

The humble pooper scooper

Planet Zoo is Frontier's latest game in with "Planet" in the name. It takes all of what was great about Planet Coaster and replaces the rollercoasters and queues with animals and habitats. It's cute, it's fun, and it has had a lot of love poured into it. Myself and Alice Bee got the chance to have some hands-on time with the alpha at this year's Gamescom, and I had a right good time giving baths to Tapirs and hiring dedicated poo cleaners, as you can see in the video below.

These posts are always difficult to write because I don't want to repeat myself or re-write what I've said in the video, so you should definitely just watch it. It includes poop, a runaway rhino and some super cute snoots. What's not to love? I'll let me speak for myself.

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If you're a YouTube user and want to see more of Rock Paper Shotgun: The Video Department, then please subscribe to the RPS channel. We post a whole load of different types of videos throughout the week, and at the moment we have a lot of Gamescom goodness. We're a fun bunch, and we hope you want to hang out with us, or at least like some of our videos. Sometimes we even livestream. If you have any questions about Planet Zoo that I didn't answer in the video, either leave a comment on here or on the video and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

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