Rezzed: Ragnar Shows Off Dreamfall Chapters
If you didn't make it to Rezzed this weekend just gone, you missed some cracking talks about videogames. You also missed some cracking early footage of upcoming videogames, such as Ragnar Tornquist and Red Thread's successfully Kickstarterered Longest Journey sequel Dreamfall Chapters. Here's Ragnar and chums in The Purple Room, fielding questions and showing off cyberpunk future-Prague, the UI and controls and how some of the interactions will work. There's also a very English robot, which I can only interpret as an aggressive attempt to upstage Sir, You Are Being Hunted.
I rather enjoy the arguing placeholder robot voices around the 23 minute mark. Don't change 'em, Red Thread!
I've never been the breathless Longest Journey devotee that some on this site are, but this is definitely doing the trick for me. Robot personality-switching! Future-Europe! Cloth physics! Personable Scandinavian developers!