Riot rewind today's "technical nightmare" of a Valorant update
They'll try again later this week.
Well, that didn't stick. Earlier today, Valorant began rolling out version 1.11, adding animal-yeeting Aussie hero Skye and a frosty new Icebox map. But following a host of bizarre hiccups, it now looks like Riot have decided to slam the pause button, calling the update a "technical nightmare" and delaying the update's proper arrival 'til later this week.
Update 1.11 hadn't even made it all the way around the world before Riot pulled back the reins - so while North America, Brazil and Latin America will have their games rolled back, other regions simply won't get the update until the devs decide it's safe to do for.
Judging from a look at the replies and the Valorant subreddit, today's update came with a wild batch of bizarre issues. Some people reported getting extra money when teammates went AFK, bullet tracer effects appeared at random across the map, certain smokes wouldn't work correctly and one, in particular, plastered the screen with a character's UV map on entry.
Complicating things further, today is the start of Valorant's First Strike Qualifiers, Riot's first in-house tournament for their hero shooter. Neverminding the oddness of pushing a shakey new update alongside their esports push, the devs have chosen to delay the patch until they can be sure it won't complicate the event. Thankfully, any purchases made before the rollback (including Skye) should remain in your account once the patch hits again, a Riot employee reportedly confirmed.
So, for the meantime, Valorant will be continuing in its current version for the next few days. On the plus, that means our lovely guides are still very much in date, so why not brush up on Valorant's weapon stats and recoil patterns?