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The Gaul Of It: Total War: Rome 2 Expansion Announced

Out this December

Total War: Rome 2 made Adam hesitate, then point his thumb skywards, celebrating the game's victories in spite of its bugs. Developers Creative Assembly have spent the time since working hard on patches to resolve some the most troublesome bugs and AI follies, but now seem ready to turn their attention towards larger conquests. Caeser in Gaul has just been announced, and it's the first campaign expansion for the game. It has a new campaign map, new factions and units, all that stuff.

Come look at the screenshots. Come see how the little men fight.

The new campaign has a tighter geographic scope than its parent, and a consequently reduced timespan covering the years 58-51BC. Each years is now 24 turns, and the seasons will shift, altering the campaign map as you play. Also you'll be able to play the campaign with a character called Vercingetorix, which sells the appeal of history instantly. If it doesn't, keep in mind that the Gauls have magical powers.

The expansion is due out December 12th 2013 for £9.99/$14.99. The silly buggers have put watermarks on the screenshots, but here's a selection of them. Click to make them bigger.

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