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Wasteland 3 coming in May with a robotic Ronald Reagan

Win one for the Gipper!

I thought the post-apocalyptic horrors of Wasteland 3 couldn't surprise me but goodness me, I'm chilled to the core. I've seen all the usual torments--nuclear winter, cannibalism, slavery, torture, famine--but I was not prepared for the sight of a giant robotic Ronald Reagan. My god, what have we done? We must change our ways before it's too late. We can't let this vision become reality. The vision's coming up fast too, with InXile today announcing a launch date of May 19th, 2020.

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The 'moody pop cover versions in trailers' craze has reached Genesis, I see.

Once again a lone Ranger to reestablish civil society in the post-apocalyptic wastes (of Colorado, this time), bashing warlords and tyrants with chat and turn-based combat. See our dearly departed Adam's Wasteland 2 for a sense of how InXile's revival of the pre-Fallout RPG has shook out so far. Like that, this one was given a good jolt of initial crowdfunding cash.

Wasteland 3 is due May 19th on Steam, GOG, and the Windows 10 Store for £55/€60/$60. It'll also be on the Xbox Game Pass.

Actually, now I think about it, the video going with the original version of Land Of Confusion has an even more horrifying vision of Ronald Reagan:

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I thought we had time to change the future and save ourselves but it's already too late. We've already had Ronald Reagan, what puppet or automaton could be worse? I'll not be sleeping tonight.

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