We've Got (A Free) Company (Of Heroes 2 Expansion Soon)
More Company of Heroes 2? Oh Relic, no, I couldn't possibly... Well, OK, if you insist. But just a couple spoonfulls and then-- *KA-WOMP* You just dropped a tank on the table. Yeah, I guess I should've seen that coming. Less expected but no less appreciated, however, are a map creation tool, two new multiplayer maps, and four new multiplayer commanders. All of it's free, too. Now could someone pass the salt? This stuff tastes a bit gamey.
The mini-expansion is titled "Turning Point," and it'll be out on November 12th. The biggest (not) selling point is easily the World Builder, which allows for the creation and sharing of custom maps.
Beyond that, it all sounds fairly standard. Well, except for the new commanders, who owe their allegiance not to Relic, but to viewers like you. Publisher Sega explained in a blog post:
"Four new Commanders, two per faction, are being introduced into the game’s multiplayer and skirmish modes. One Commander from each faction was designed by members of the Company of Heroes 2 community during a visit to Relic this summer."
So there you have it. It would've been nice if the game had launched with a map editor, but better late than never I suppose. Now then, what grand visions of cold warring (but not that kind) are you conjuring up?