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What are we all playing this weekend?


And so we have entered December, screaming around the last hairpin bend of 2020, the wheels barely still on, the engine on fire, the tin of sucky sweets to stop you feeling car sick scattered across the dash. 'Tis the season to be seasonal, although the effort is hampered in my own home because the bulb went in the front room some weeks back, and we pinned the tree lights up on the walls as a replacement, so we can't put the tree up until we sort out the main light situation...

We're now well into the RPS Advent Calendar for 2020, as well, though you can still have a gander at the Advent Calendar Guessing Game on the forums.

What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on!

Alice Bee

Still on the quest for the ice cave you can shag in that is a part of The Sims 4 Snowy Escape. Finding it is a surprisingly laborious process.


Alice is away and is probably in the sea.


While there's no question that I should be using this pre-Cyberpunk time to catch up on some of the big games I didn't get around to playing earlier in the year, I've really been enjoying this cute little stealth game called El Hijo - A Wild West Tale. You play as a six-year-old Agent 47 that uses a slingshot instead of silenced pistols. I'll probably be continuing on with its good, wholesome fun, this weekend. A nice and breezy game before I become an angry cyberman in Night City.


Geralt and I will be going on more merry adventures in The Witcher 3: Blood And Wine. I'm also thinking of popping back on Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and finally conquering this bit of the house that's infested with horrible flies.


I tried to play Immortals Fenyx Rising during the week, only to discover that I had failed to download it in advance. I bought a modern translation of the Odyssey that night instead, but I'm going to return this weekend to trying to experience some Greek myths in videogame form. Books don't have tall things I can climb and jump off.


Jumping into Valhalla again this weekend. I'm still not that far in and beginning to think I may never complete it. My personal endgame is just to make it to where my hometown would be. Short of that I'll probably play some of Apex Legends' brill winter mode, and I have plans for some festive Phasmophobia, too.


Jake is away and is probably dying his hair a new colour.


James is away and is probably making a cake of some kind.


Katharine is away and is probably being sat on by a cat.


Nate is away and is probably doing something to a fishtank.


Immortals Fenyx Rising is exactly what I've needed this past year. I've already completed the game twice for guides purposes, so this time I think I'll start a Nightmare playthrough and 100% the game. If I have a superpower, it is the superhuman ability to play a game I love for so long that I end up hating it by the time I move onto the next game.

But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?

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