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What are we all playing this weekend?


Yeah yeah it's not officially spring until Wednesday but there are enough buds on trees and enough sunny mornings that I'm calling it. Happy first weekend of spring, everyone. Let's all go outside. I've got a swimming road trip planned with pals this weekend, dipping into rivers and falls across Perth and Kinross. Glorious sunshine, thunderstorms, and hail are all forecast, so it'll surely be an adventure. And possibly a good story about how I lost my toes and/or nose.

What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on!


It's all mock Caribbean accents, sugar farming and brutal tyranny played for laughs for me, as I attempt to divine whether or not Tropico 6 is the same animal as the last three or so Tropicos. Obviously, I'll play it for 100 hours even if it is.

Alice Bee

This weekend I will be playing 'long haul flight across the Atlantic to get to GDC', which is the worst game of all the games ever.

Alice L

Last weekend, when I got fired, I FINALLY finished Return Of The Obra Dinn. What a story. What a game. Better to be late to the party than never turn up at all, right? This weekend I'll be jumping into Two Point Hospital, and playing a little more of the next DLC, Pebberley Island (which I've done a video on, shameless plug). And I'll most likely be revisiting StrangerVille and messing up my Sims' lives as usual. I'm also going to be exploring a bunch of lovely, relaxing games, as I really need to chill. No stressful games for me, thank you.

Alice O

I fancy a return visit to It's Winter for more melancholy Soviet night vibes, though perhaps it's best not to. What it's grown into in my memory is already more than it can live up to, and I'm very okay with that. A nice experience is lodged in the back of my head, and I hope it stays there. One is often the perfect number of times to play a game.


I'm scuttling around Washington DC in The Division 2, like a loot-obsessed cockroach. You can catch me in the Dark Zone, admiring the vultures and their admirable outlook on life. It's a good loot 'n' shoot, and all the animals sneaking around only makes it better.


Dave has been fired.


It's another of these weekends where I'm paralysed by choice, as there's half a dozen games or more that I'd like to play. Luckily I likely won't have time to play anything. This weekend will be spent working in Game Maker ahead of demoing a game again at EGX Rezzed next month, and any consumption I do will probably be focused towards RuPaul's Drag Race.


John has been fired.


I've hit that bit in Octopath Traveller now where 75% of my party is woefully underpowered for their next individual story chapters, so I'll probably be alternating the old monster bashing grind with a bit of Baba Is You and Hypnospace Outlaw this weekend, because they both look absolutely rad and very much up my street. What a treat!


I'm going to spend much of this weekend on a plane, and then the rest of it blinking my way around sunny San Francisco. I'll probably finish Wargroove on my Switch and then go stare at some sea lions.


I'm already stuck on the 15th stage of Baba Is You - aka: Matthew Is Dumb - so will likely split my time between head-scratching and head-shooting in The Division 2. After the bare bones of Anthem, it's nice to play one of these online RPG shooty things that actually has lots for you to do with all the billions of knee pads (and whatever) you're hoovering up.


Ollie has been fired.

But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?

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