World Of Tanks Adding Chinese Pottery. Kidding: Tanks
Well, that was quick. World of Tanks' Britain-themed 8.1 update - unfortunately not titled "Sir, You Are Being Hunted (By Tanks)" - came out just a hair over a week ago, and now Wargaming's already rallying the troops for update 8.2. This time around, the focus is mainly on a new Chinese tank tree, which actually houses creaking death machines you can buy in succession, but sounds like something humanity must never genetically engineer. And while that's certainly the main event of 8.2, it's lugging in a smattering of other bits and bobs as well.
Wow, now I really just wish tanks could actually burrow under buildings and then burst out of them at opportune times in World of Tanks: The Non-CG Trailer Edition. But alas.
At any rate, in addition to the 17-strong Chinese tree (which includes a hopefully toned down variation of the retired-due-to-overpoweredness Type 59), the update will also include more level updates - this time for Prokhorovka, Redshire, Erlenberg, and Ruinberg. Five new American tanks and three new premiums, meanwhile, round out the package.
For now, Wargaming's not talking release specifics, but it usually runs public tests for these things, so at least expect a couple of those to herald this update's arrival. I figure, though, that if we're really lucky, the update will drop on November 22nd. Happy Tanksgiving, America.