WoT! 500,000 Play World Of Tanks
This makes me feel happy in my armoured belly: tank-based pseudo-MMO World Of Tanks now boasts 500,000 subscribers. It's free, of course, but I think this should still be some kind of measure of success for the game. For something that is just about World War II tanks blowing each other up (and then refitting and upgrading themselves between explosioneering expeditions) this seems like a remarkable number. I shouldn't be surprised, however, because it always seemed like it was just weird enough to be awesome, and it's just solid enough for people who were searching for something unusual in PvP combat to be thrilled by the prospect. Most of my old Eve Online corporation seem to be playing this now, too. Proof, if proof be needed, that free-to-play is a good idea.
Are you playing it?