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Walk Like An Egyptian: Civ V Walkthrough

Sid Meier's Civilization Videogame Number V By Sid Meier is out on September 21st, as is the demo, as is our review, making it a grand day for Civilization fans. Until then you'll have to play very a different game entitled Sid Meier's Tantalization. You can play this game by watching the new two hour developer walkthrough video embedded beneath the jump. Alternatively, you could read Alec's two part write-up of his time with the preview code, or my interview with lead designer Jon Shafer.

Some people might think that Sid Meier's Tantalization is not a very fun game. Well, I have to say to those people, that, I mean. Well.

Anyway, videos! If two hours is a bit much for you, Joystiq's comparatively brief 13 minute walkthrough can be seen right here.

Part 1:

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Part 2:

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