A Game And A Chat Ep 1: Tim Schafer
Talk To The Hair
And now for something completely different. Or, well, actually kinda similar to other stuff you might have seen before, but in video form and on RPS. A Game And A Chat (tentative title, probably) is a weekly live show in which I play a game with a developer and, you know, chat with them. At the same time. I am nothing if not multi-talented. Sometimes the game will be all shiny and new, other times it'll be aged, haggard, and only tangentially relevant. Who knows? Maybe one day it'll be a boardgame. Or tag. Or cage-fighting. This first episode, however, is fairly straightforward. Given that Broken Age is about to land in the click-hungry hands of the masses, I thought I'd bring Tim Schafer into the studio. By which I mean my bedroom. Via, er, a webcam. But not like that. Oh jeez just click past the break and watch us discuss Serious Topics while being accused of murder by trees or something. We're kicking off at 11:00 AM PT/7:00 PM GMT*.
Update: We're done! The full video is posted below.
And here's a YouTube version, if you prefer that:
*barring inevitable technical difficulties