4 Free: DICE Giving Away All Battlefield 4 DLC
Nice, nice
All five DLC expansions for Battlefield 4 [official site] are now free. With Battlefield 1 coming out next month, DICE and Electronic Arts are letting everyone get properly tooled tooled up in the last proper Battlefield before it's time for shiny newness. It's nice for folks who are hankering for a bit of BF right now but hey, if BF1 proves disappointing this means you can always drop back to the full BF4 experience.
The five expansions - China Rising, Second Assault, Naval Strike, Dragon's Teeth, and Final Stand - are free on Origin until Monday, September 19th. Grab 'em now and they're yours for keepsies. EA have been giving away Battlefield DLC for a few months, bit by bit, but here they are all at once.
Between them, they add twenty maps set everywhere from open seas to close markets, oodles of weapons, a couple of vehicles, a few gadgets, and a handful of new modes. A DLC season pass usually costs £40, though I'm sure EA aren't selling many of those these days. It's still nice that folks returning to BF4 now won't face a playerbase split by how much DLC they've bought.
DICE are also holding a series of special community events for these DLCs over the next few days.
Brendan had a good time in Battlefield 1's beta so signs are quite good for folks who fancy a new-style Battlefield taking its military silliness back to an earlier era.