Czech Pres Writes Greek Leader Over Jailed ArmA Devs
Things haven't exactly been going well for jailed ArmA III developers Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, but if nothing else, they're not without support. Bohemia Interactive and the Czech Embassy have been in their corner for the more-than-70-day duration - though unfortunately, they haven't been able to make any significant headway. Most recently, the pair was unable to post bail, and now a trial seems almost completely unavoidable. And so, with things seemingly stuck in a nosedive that never ends, the president of the Czech Republic has decided to step in.
Eurogamer got its hands on a translated version of Václav Klaus' letter to Greek president Karolos Papoulias, and the words contained therein were civil, but obviously pointed.
"I would like to address a matter of two Czech citizens who were arrested in Greece and charged with espionage. This case is very sensitive to the Czech public and also to me as President of the Republic. The fate of our citizens anywhere in the world matters to us. I have no doubt that the democratic Greek authorities - police, prosecutors and the courts - will consider this unfortunate matter impartially and independently. Even I do not in any way want to interfere with their work."
"I want to ask you, Mr. President, to follow this unfortunate affair with special attention considering the excellent relations between our nations so this does not throw unnecessary shade onto our relationship. Once again, I want to assure you that I have the utmost certainty that our accused citizens will be given all the rights in the search for justice by the Greek authorities."
It is, meanwhile, a matter of public record that Buchta and Pezlar are being kept in "harsh" conditions - which, in this case, means sleeping on the floor of one cell with 25 other people. And then there's also the matter of the British plane-spotter case from 2001, whose initial results it would be a stretch to call fair by most definitions.
Currently, a strike in the Greek legal system is holding up the process, so the next step is unclear. For now, though, nobody's throwing in the towel just yet.
"We will of course continue in our effort to bring our friends back home," Bohemia told RPS in light of recent events. "Any help or support is really appreciated."