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Dead Rising 2 Gets All Serious About Stuff

Captivate (Capcom's festival of gaming gubbins, which I stake the claim for having named - I can prove it with IM records) has revealed a new trailer for Dead Rising 2, which lest you need reminding is confirmed for PC. Unlike the first one. Capcom, we love you best when you release games on PC too. You can watch it with any of your remaining eyes below.

I'm not sure if "A renegade man with a tragic past" is meant to be so leaden. The trailer does seem to be taking itself awfully seriously for a game that's about hitting thousands of zombies with a lampshade, while wearing a Santa hat.

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In case you're upset by the lack of double-ended chainsaws in that video, here's the one from February that I think slightly better captures what this is all about:

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