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Digital Sales Mean PC Games Can Happen

I've just been transcribing an interview with Marek Spanel, the boss of Bohemia Interactive and one of the most PC-focused developers in Europe, and this came up: "If it were not for digital distribution we would no longer be doing PC games. It's as simple as this."

Obvious to us, perhaps, but it's an interesting measure of where we are now with PC gaming. You might still be able to get a cheap boxed copy from a mail-order outlet, but the chances are you won't find PC games at all in the shops at all. And as far as PC developers are concerned, digital is all. Retail is over. Which reminds me, I really must write that thing about Steam's hegemony...

The Spanel interview - containing details about Carrier Command, Arma III, and Take On Helicopters - will appear tomorrow.

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