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Distance Goes The Distance: Kickstarter Funded

Coo, another close one. According to Kickstarter, most games that succeed tend to receive around 150% of their target (while those that fail tend to be around 20%) - a fact that might be reassuring for some, but little comfort for the few who only just squeak past the line. Feelings must have been tense for Refract Studios, they behind Nitronic Rush follow-up, Distance. They've crept over their $125,000 goal with a couple of days on the clock.

Not as close as some, admittedly, but only a week ago they were still a fifth short and seemed to have completely stalled. But as of this morning, they're there. And the funny thing - as I write this, they're all asleep in bed and probably haven't noticed yet. What a fun thing to wake up to. It also makes their cocky video proven true:

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This means we should hopefully see the gravity-resistant racer by May next year. They may even chuck out a couple of stretch goals for the last 60 hours, but we'll see.

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