Does It Need The Number? Insane 2
When I saw the announcement for Insane 2, which is out a little later this year, something stirred, deep in the lost vaults of my head. Insane. Yes. Why do I know that name? A bit of Googling later and I realise that the original insane (which cleverly anticipated the letter-as-numbers-in-sequels thing by being called 1nsane, which surely means this one should be called In2ane) is one of the first games I ever reviewed in anger - a multiplayer offroad racing game from Codemasters released in 2000. 2000! That's almost a thousand years ago. Quite why Codies decided to make a sequel to a game that people who played it can barely remember is beyond me, but there it is. Actually, I vaguely suspect it is a rebranded version of a game that has already come out in Russia, but I can't be sure. There's a video of the game below. You sure to race about and stuff.
Mmm. I am going to go back to Rage. Where I can also race about and stuff.