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Doktor Dekker devs continue their FMV spookings today in Dark Nights With Poe And Munro

FMV isn't dead

The low-key FMV revival continues today in Dark Nights With Poe And Munro, a new FMV adventure from the gang behind vid 'em ups The Infectious Madness Of Doctor Dekker and The Shapeshifting Detective. I heard good things about Doctor Dekker in particular. Dark Nights also sounds interesting for picking a subject that fits well with the 'earnest but unavoidably janky and cheesy' nature of FMV games: local radio. Poe and Munro host a radio show about spooky mysteries, see.

That's kinda standard FMV cheese, right? Except! It fits perfectly because that's exactly the sort of radio show they host, with that strong 'over-dramatic mystery podcast' vibe. Very clever. Dark Nights has six episodes focused on different spookies, including a ghost and a demonic wish-granting painting.

D'Avekki Studios introduced Poe and Munro before, and so do state for continuiheads that Dark Nights is set before The Shapeshifting Detective.

Dark Nights With Poe And Munro is out now on Steam for Windows and Mac. A 10% launch discount brings it down to £8.99/€9.71/$11.69 until Tuesday the 26th. A bundle with Doctor Dekker only costs an extra £2.

Our former John (RPS in peace) seemed quite impressed by D'Avekki Studios in his The Infectious Madness Of Doctor Dekker review. He called it "incredibly ambitious" and was drawn into its horror, though found its conversation system of typing in text quite clunky. But he concluded, "The characters all strongly stick with me after finishing, and I think that's probably more important than anything else." Sounds like a good time for me to buy in.

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