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Dragon Age II Goes Gold, 55 Mins Of Footage

One day, in the distant future, we will have online meetings, conversations and indeed demos of games that don't begin with. "Uh... uh... yeah... I think so, yes, just give me... Hi! I think things are working now? Can you hear me at your end? Yes? Good, great, let's get started."

A new walkthrough live chat trailer thing has appeared for Dragon Age II, which is out in precisely one British month. It's a good chance to see the game running as it really runs, rather than in a smooth, rehearsed sequence. It's narrated by Mike Laidlaw, who is great, and I think is being played on a 360, which is less so. But hey ho, it's a remarkable 55 minutes of footage, accompanied by the silently heckling crowds of chatroom onlookers. And it's gone gold today! Which is good news, since PC Gamer's review is already with subs.

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